Australian Pro Rodeo Association

New website for a large membership based organisation.

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New Website for The Australian Pro Rodeo Association

Branded B Digital provided the design and build of their new website. This website’s main focus is to provide its large membership base with information about its upcoming Rodeo events held across Australia and assist Rodeo Committees affiliated with them to provide Event Applications

Key features:

⏩ Advanced API to fetch new rodeo events from their Membership Program and create events to be displayed in a calendar with separate rodeo profile pages.

⏩ Online Day Membership Forms to accept event entries, payment and sign risk waivers. Includes dynamic pricing and event info.

⏩ Online Rodeo Application Form

⏩ Online Merchandise Store

Thank you to The Australian Pro Rodeo Association for entrusting us with your new website.

🌐 Check out this website

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